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What’s Happening to Me? Understanding Postpartum Depression.

What’s Happening to Me? Understanding Postpartum Depression.


Welcoming a new baby to your family can be one of the happiest moments of your life. However, mixed feelings of anxiety, fear, and sadness are also natural. Some women go through a tough time with postpartum depression, also known as PPD. A lot is expected of new moms, and when things don’t go as planned, it can be an added source of frustration. If you’ve been struggling with your emotions lately, you are not alone. In this post, we’ll explain what PPD is, what the symptoms are, and how to get help.

Postpartum depression is a severe form of clinical depression that is triggered by childbirth. It can affect new mothers days, weeks, or even months after giving birth. You may feel as if a dark cloud is hanging over your head, and that you cannot do anything about it. Some common symptoms of PPD are a lack of appetite, intense mood swings, difficulty sleeping, irritability, and crying spells. 

PPD can make it challenging to bond with your newborn baby, which can add a layer of guilt to the situation. You may wonder why you’re feeling so down when you should be happy and adapting to motherhood. However, it’s essential to understand that PPD is not your fault, and you shouldn’t blame yourself for struggling.

If you believe you’re experiencing PPD, it’s vital to seek help from your doctor or a therapist. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment option that can help you understand your thought patterns, improve your mood, and manage your stress. Medications such as antidepressants can be useful as well, under the guidance of a medical professional. 

Another great option, that doesn’t include medication, is treating PPD with TMS. TMS stands for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. It is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. TMS is primarily used as a treatment for depression and other mental health conditions. The magnetic fields produced by TMS can target specific areas of the brain, helping to regulate mood and alleviate symptoms of depression. At Albatross TMS, we have a full staff ready to assist and handle the TMS care.

Besides seeking medical help, several everyday practices may help alleviate PPD symptoms. Practicing self-care is essential, and you should prioritize your physical and emotional needs. It’s okay to ask for help and delegate responsibilities to friends and family members. Exercise can also lift your mood, and you shouldn’t underestimate the power of socializing with other mothers or joining a support group.

If you’re hesitant to seek help, it’s essential to remember that PPD is a highly treatable condition. The sooner you reach out for support, the better your outcomes will be. Talking to other moms or seeking community support can also provide tremendous comfort and validation. You’re not alone in your experiences, and there are resources available to help you through this challenging time.

Postpartum depression is a serious health condition that can happen to any new mother. It’s essential to recognize the symptoms and seek the help you need. Remember that PPD is not your fault and that asking for support is a sign of strength. Prioritizing self-care and seeking treatment from medical professionals can help you manage your symptoms and enjoy motherhood. You’re not alone, and it’s okay to ask for help. Albatross TMS is here for you. 

Sanjoy is the Co-Founder of Albatross TMS and Pain Management. After completing his Bachelor of Science Honors Degree in Human Biology from the University of Toronto, Sanjoy pursued his Graduate Level education in Physical Therapy at D’Youville University in Buffalo, New York. He is especially skilled in manual therapy, joint mobilization techniques, dry needling / acupuncture and has a keen interest in treatments of acute, chronic pain and Fibromyalgia.

Sanjoy Roy | Founder

Sanjoy is the Co-Founder of Albatross TMS and Pain Management. After completing his Bachelor of Science Honors Degree in Human Biology from the University of Toronto, Sanjoy pursued his Graduate Level education in Physical Therapy at D’Youville University in Buffalo, New York. He is especially skilled in manual therapy, joint mobilization techniques, dry needling / acupuncture and has a keen interest in treatments of acute, chronic pain and Fibromyalgia.