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Persistent & Intrusive 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a complex mental health condition that affects millions of people across the globe. It is marked by persistent, unwanted, and intrusive thoughts, images, or impulses (obsessions) that often lead to repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) to reduce or prevent anxiety. OCD can significantly impact one’s life, causing distress and interfering with daily activities.

Albatross TMS for OCD

Since TMS is a relatively new treatment for OCD, it is not yet widely available. Fortunately, we offer TMS treatment at our facility in Wheaton, Illinois. TMS is typically recommended for people who prefer to avoid medications and other harmful quick fix options. TMS may also be a viable option for people who cannot tolerate medications or who have medical conditions that make them unsuitable candidates for medication. It is essential to consult with a mental health professional to determine if TMS is a suitable option for you.

Approved Therapy

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. During the procedure, a handheld coil is placed on the scalp, and the magnetic fields generate electric currents that stimulate the nerve cells in areas of the brain associated with OCD. This stimulation is believed to help regulate brain activity and reduce OCD symptoms



Effective & Safe

TMS is an effective treatment option for OCD. Several studies have shown that TMS can reduce OCD symptoms, including obsessions and compulsions. One study concluded that TMS reduced OCD symptoms of study participants by 30%. TMS has also been found to be well-tolerated and safe, with few side effects.

Move Forward

OCD is a challenging mental health condition that can significantly impact one’s life. While there is no cure for OCD, several treatment methods can alleviate its symptoms and improve quality of life. TMS is a promising treatment option that has shown good results in reducing OCD symptoms. If you or someone you know is struggling with OCD, consult with a mental health professional to explore the best treatment options, including TMS